Stand out with mapmelon - The most trusted platform to find community-focused colivings
🤗 Reach thousands of colivers per month.
🏡 Boost longer stay bookings.
🤝 Referrals approach, we only get paid when you get a booking.
📅 Synch your calendar with Sirvoy, Airbnb, and many others.
📈 Increase occupancy in low season.
💸 Fast payouts (get the deposit once the booking is confirmed).
👀 Control who joins your community, bookings need to be confirmed.
Common Jobs
Entrepreneur, Developer, Designer, Digital Marketer, Product Manager.
Average Salary
Colivers make $60K per year or more.
Stay Length
Nomads tend to slow travel, staying between 3-8 weeks in the same place.
Common Interests
Yoga, hiking, climbing, diving, skii, cooking, ...
We Love Our Partners
These people have been helping us to make Mapmelon a reality and believe in our mission
We are very grateful to them.
Only community-approved colivings picked so far.
Will yours be next?
A dedicated
workspace area
Weekly community
Long-Term stay
common areas
You Earn, We Earn.
No booking, no fee.
We charge a small commission per confirmed booking
Thank you for helping us make mapmelon possible